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Writer's pictureHannah Cameron

Baked Beef Short Ribs with Roasted Acorn Squash, Broccoli

Hi Everyone!

I hope your week has been well.. Full of Jesus, adventures, good food, and simply, good ol' living!

This week at the house has been full of continuations. Routines. The day in and day out grind of tending the home and making sure my family knows and feels they're loved by God, and me. And I love to share these blessed continuations with my Jesus by my side- so I can be the best He has called me to be and so I can show Him I love Him with my actions, word, and heart.

Y'all, He gives us life (the reason why we're here and have the gift of looking forward to a new day, Lord willing) and better yet, His precious Word says HE IS OUR LIFE. Look it up loves. Experiencing and living life with Jesus is a gift and a blessing, including the seemingly mundane tasks of cooking, cleaning, and being an excellent woman of God. But, it's not. It's a gift. Which leads me to the gift I experienced this past weekend.

A meal I made this past Saturday, maybe it was Sunday (my birthday weekend!!!) was sooo good. Once I put enough out of these meals, I will group them so you can access all of them. I call them Simple Table Meals.

The meal I made were these delicious farm-fresh beef short ribs (y'all I didn't know ribs could taste good without BBQ sauce, lol), roasted/baked acorn squash, and an easy boiled broccoli.

I seasoned everything with a great quality Celtic Light Grey Sea Salt. You could use fresh herbs, as well, in addition to the salt, not too sharp, a neutral, soft, herb will do.

This recipe will be a great weekly addition to your table.

Let's get into the recipe.

First things first, you want to start off with meat that was sourced from a great farmer. This takes a good amount of research. Things to consider:

-What place are you coming from?

Do you have severe or minor health issues? For the most part, people with more severe health issues need a higher quality of meat, think grass-fed, specific breed, etc.

-Does he truly care for his animals?

Just because cows only moo, doesn't mean they don't need to be taken care of with love. God gave them to us and He expects us to take care of them. Or else, we will experience a mighty moo-ve of His hand to our backsides.

Those are just a few things, but brainstorm some other key points that are important to you and your family and move from there.

I never made ribs before, so for some reason I picked these out and I know it was all God. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy trying new things.


short list of ingredients + tools:

Dutch oven (this will be your best friend in the kitchen)

Great quality high heat cooking oil

Your ribs

Celtic salt

1/2 yellow onion

Purified water

Preheat oven to 370 degrees. Grease your dutch oven well, just right.

Add in your rinsed ribs. Sprinkle with a good amount of salt where you know it will come out with just the right amount of flavor- not too much or too little, enough.

Pour your water around ribs, almost halfway to middle of them, but not quite.

Chop your onion into medium chunks and place around ribs. The 1/2 of onion will add the perfect amount of flavor where the taste of the meat will shine (that's why you need good meat).

Place your dutch oven lid on top of pot, with it cracked a little so steam and pressure can escape somewhat.

Cook until tender. You may have to add more water along the way. When ribs are almost done, I turn oven to 375 degrees to finish them.


2 acorn squash

Butter or coconut oil

Celtic salt

Clean the outside of your squash with a rag that was rinsed in a solution of white vinegar and warm water.

Cut squash in half, scoop out seeds. Save the seeds for roasting! Place them in a dish that can also hold water (a pie dish or casserole dish would work great). Using room temperature butter or coconut oil and your fingertips, spread it all over each squash. Sprinkle with salt.

Pour water in dish to help cook the squash (it prevents burning and browning before the squash is truly done). Once fork tender, take out or let brown for even more flavor!

Using a sharp knife, follow the lining of the acorn squash and makes slices.


Farm-fresh, Organic Broccoli

Purified Water


Cut your broccoli heads into florets. Soak them in cold water with a splash of hot for around 13 minutes to remove any dirt. Rinse after the soaking process. Place them in a pot and cover them with water- I like around 3-3 1/2 extra inches above where the broccoli florets are.

Bring them to a boil and let cook until fork tender. Toss them with melted butter, garlic powder.

You can also make a garlic butter by mincing garlic cloves that have been roasted and in a small saucepot, slowly melt your butter adding the garlic when butter is halfway melted. As the butter turns a golden yellow, not brown, turn off. This is so delicious on broccoli and other vegetables, seafood, you name it, it's just delicious!

I hope you all enjoy this recipe and I truly can't wait to see you in the next one!

God bless


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